How things work...

Here you will be able to find all the resources, documents, videos, audio, links and the rest of the stuff we will be using for the English lessons during the year 2009 / 2010. You will have access to a specific timetable, depending in what year you are in, applicable to the first and second semester.

Some of you will only be staying for one semester, however you will of course have access to the events occurring during the second part of the year, since I have attempted at making the teaching continuous throughout the year.

Apart from lesson material, videos and other wonders of the English language, you will find a fantastic and wonderful part of the site exclusively dedicated to grammar… looking forward to that, eh?

Also baring in mind that I am not horribly rich and can’t throw money out the windows for photocopies, 98 % of the lessons will be uploaded to this site, so be prepared to bookmark this magic page… the 2% left are, as you might have guessed, the dreaded exams.

Before we get started, however, I need you to read the “General Terms and Conditions” concerning the administrative aspect of how the English Lesson is supposed to take place. You will get a piece of paper to sign, stating that you agree with these terms.

Semester 1, 2009 Timetable

And here is the timetable for this semester, beginning on the 22nd of September, ending on the 1st of December, with All Saints Holidays ranging from the26th of October to the 1st of December.